The monkey wrench that’s firmly in your hand at present might become the spanner in the works at the start of the year. We don’t like to advertise how many ways the Tai Sui can track down wanted targets, but we’ve seen your poster p-ape-red up all over the place. No need to go ape though, it should settle down as the year progresses, and you’ve quite the collection of invisible friends hanging out with you this year.
Lucky Five-Emperor Cash Strings
This year is looking like being quite a lot of gibbon take. The most likely danger will come from the effects of striving in other areas putting undue pressure on your health. What to do? Relax more and be certain that the apes of wrath are firmly locked in their cages. Giving stress a wide berth is a good strategy, that said, make sure when you’re out having fun, or even at home playing with family, that you don’t accidentally slide down the banana-ster.
You might send up some hot-air-baboons to survey the financial landscape this year but when it comes time to shake out the tree of money it’s likely that the chimps will fall where they may. You’ll need to be ape-solutely well-prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that will come your way, particularly in the second-half of the year.
The lonesome sound of the Lonely Morning Star might be wafting in through your windows this year, given a chance it’ll play havoc with your relationships and leave you hanging around alone. To make sure that those you care about don’t turn into sour gr- gr- gr-apes, keep your private life away from those who like to pry, mate. That done, this year should find you quite ape-pealing and it’ll be up to you for where that goes.
The quarter you’re most likely to see substantive gains this year is this one. The Annual Harmony Star is visiting, bringing prospects of cooperation on the work front, and cooperation that could also turn romantic for those with an eye out for such. The star also means that if there is any gorilla warfare at work this year, you shouldn’t end up as a monkey’s uncle.
Sorcerer: Dr James Greenbaum
Sorcerer's apprentice: Susan Zhang
Wand bearer: Forest Chan
Director/Editor: Yukti Vidyarthi
Translation editor: Melanie Ng
Design/Art: Lizzie Lau; Anna Lai; Elva Lau; Patrina Leung; Jon Berkeley
Web development: Paul Ngan; Timothy Wang
Video production: Alexandra Lee; Luna Deng
Thanks to: Sandy Chen Dowling; Ellen Lo
Producer: Liz Patterson