Feeling hungry? A table for one by the window? Invite your loved ones along for the meal - it’s going to be oat-standing. Let the rein of the horse begin! Your course this year will have fences and ditches, but you’ll brush them aside and turf them out. Your nosebag is filled with unbridled pleasures and you’ve a good chance to whinny any race you’re in this year. Having tickets on yourself is usually not the dun thing, but a little more charm in your horseplay might see you first past the post.

Wood Horse:
04 Feb 2014 – 03 Feb 2015
04 Feb 1954 – 03 Feb 1955
Water Horse:
04 Feb 2002 – 03 Feb 2003
04 Feb 1942 – 04 Feb 1943
Metal Horse:
04 Feb 1990 – 03 Feb 1991
04 Feb 1930 – 04 Feb 1931
Earth Horse:
04 Feb 1978 – 03 Feb 1979
04 Feb 1918 – 04 Feb 1919
Fire Horse:
04 Feb 1966 – 03 Feb 1967
05 Feb 1906 – 04 Feb 1907

Fortune direction:


Augmenting your fortune:

Goldfish Bowls

Lucky number:

Lucky colour:



There should be no need to dressage any wounds this year. While kissing a horse-shoe may be a noble gesture on your part, don’t leave your health to an all-at-seahorse. And don’t allow any ailments to get on their high horse and horse-trade your health. Sudden accidents, or small horse-radishes might break out and rub you up against the grain, ensure your cupboard is stocked with preventative horse pill-ions and you’ll have barley any trouble.


The mane goal for your attention this year should be to prevent your winnings being stored in a vault. Petty thieves and others may importune you, may out-flank you, may try to ass-ail you and saddle you with demands, and turn you into their packhorse. Put this year’s funds to the use you’d prefer, you’ve bought the fairground, you decide what to do with it.


Fore-limbed is fore-armed, or is it four-legged? Whatever the case, you’ve the Wretched Star trying to rain on your horse parade this year. A lovely candle-light dinner, and you’ll be just about to hit the hay when this bothersome anti-cupid will try to turn you into an ass. If you’ve planned well enough, you and your loved one will burro further into the hay, hinny port in a storm, as it were, and stifle that gloomy, cosmic visitor.


Blessed with the Great Yang Star this year, a cheery fellow given to perfecting all preparatory and initial arrangements. Put him to good use, let him be your good-fortune ass-et a-mule-t planner. You’re odds-on for your work, career, or other official interests to dock where you’d like them to this year, no need to languish in the hindquarters.

Guiding hexagram from the Yi-Jing (Book of Changes)

The Taming Power of the Small has success. Dense clouds, no rain from our western region.
The wind drives across heaven: the image of the Taming Power of the Small. Thus, the superior man refines the outward aspect of his nature.
The Forest of Changes:
One’s former house might be an old hut, untroubled by carriages and officials. It can’t compare to new digs, yet one might find it delightful to stay there.
It does annoy some people that all five-star hotels reserve the presidential suite for James Bond, should he drop by. So, let’s consider the ‘taming power of the small’ and a residence that is pleasant but perhaps not the most expensive in town. Why shouldn’t you want the presidential suite in such a good year? Because they’re so large that you need to send a telegram to anyone else staying with you, because you need an interactive map just to get back to any bed from any of the myriad bathrooms, and because if James Bond has been staying there the place will be littered with corpses. You’re due a fine year, enjoy it.

Feng Shui Index 2025 report

Year of the Wood Snake

Sorcerer: Dr James Greenbaum
Sorcerer's apprentice: Susan Zhang
Wand bearer: Forest Chan
Director/Editor: Yukti Vidyarthi
Translation editor: Melanie Ng
Design/Art: Lizzie Lau; Anna Lai; Elva Lau; Patrina Leung; Jon Berkeley
Web development: Paul Ngan; Timothy Wang
Video production: Alexandra Lee; Luna Deng
Thanks to: Sandy Chen Dowling; Ellen Lo
Producer: Liz Patterson

Launched in 1992 as a Chinese New Year card, the CLSA Feng Shui Index is a light-hearted outlook for the Hong Kong market and a well-loved firm tradition. Please note that this guide is not a research report.