Some cosmic kidding around seems to have got your goat, and this year you may find yourself on the horns of many a dilemma. The question is, how much can you buck the fate that is gambolling down the road towards you? If you let this pass, the fates will beard your goatee and you’ll end up worrying more about the nanny fate than the nanny state. It’s not for nothing that you’re known as the G.O.A.T. When you’re beset by difficulties, tell them to butt out.

Wood Goat:
04 Feb 2015 – 03 Feb 2016
04 Feb 1955 – 04 Feb 1956
Water Goat:
04 Feb 2003 – 03 Feb 2004
05 Feb 1943 – 04 Feb 1944
Metal Goat:
04 Feb 1991 – 03 Feb 1992
05 Feb 1931 – 04 Feb 1932
Earth Goat:
04 Feb 1979 – 03 Feb 1980
05 Feb 1919 – 04 Feb 1920
Fire Goat:
04 Feb 1967 – 04 Feb 1968
05 Feb 1907 – 04 Feb 1908

Fortune direction:


Augmenting your fortune:

Celadon Vases with Curling Dragons

Lucky number:

Lucky colour:



Every now and then this year you’ll feel like an old goat. Perhaps chewing down a little less barbed wire or noxious weeds would help – kings have died from feasting on lampreys after a good day’s hunt, so much as you enjoy grazing with others you might opt out of meals that involve a determined pecking order and set menu. Never entirely sure of the difference between play and fighting, all goats will benefit this year from keeping their own shed clean.


The Leopard’s Tail Star is one of the unwelcome visitors to the goat house this year. To keep yourself in the best clover play to your strengths – we’ve all seen how good you can be at staying on the straight and narrow paths along the cliff edge. Unorthodox or less frequented schemes for making a pile of mohair might incur severe penalties, think about the consequences of treading on a leopard’s tail before you invest in such strategies.


I goat you, babe. So runs that pop song, yet this year in relationships you’ll need to keep an eye out for the possibility of ewe turns. We know you’re territorial, but this year your best chances of a satisfying new relationship, be it friend or loved one, come from dressing as the tall dark handsome stranger and visiting new places. Alternatively, take an old friend or loved one along and go somewhere you’ve never been, we’re sure you can brisket.


Is it possible? Yes, you goat the job! That’s great, and this year the complete lack of beneficial cosmic buddies means you’ll need to borrow what you can from your opposite sign, the Ox. The Imperial Canopy Star is the pick of the bovine planets and it encourages you to express your creativity. Now, a borrowed star works at a weaker strength, so if you’re staging a performance at work and it involves dressing as your boss and sacking all your colleagues don’t be surprised by the lack of rave reviews.

Guiding hexagram from the Yi-Jing (Book of Changes)

Enthusiasm. It furthers one to install helpers and to set armies marching.
Thunder comes resounding out of the earth: the image of Enthusiasm. Thus the ancient kings made music in order to honour merit, and offered it with splendour to the Supreme Deity, inviting their ancestors to be present.
The Forest of Changes:
The Marquis Zhao of Cai went to the state of Chu, years later on his return he lingered by the banks of the river Han. As days turned to months he kept in mind the feudal lords.
The Marquis Zhao of Cai took two sets of splendid robes to Chu. He gave one set to the King of Chu, and they both wore them for an occasion. The high minister of Chu, Nang Wa, was jealous and coveted the robes. He kept the Marquis in jail for three years, until the Marquis handed over the robes for his freedom. It was then, on the way home, that the Marquis lingered by the banks of a river that led back to his kingdom. We’re not saying you’ll get locked up for having the wrong clothing this year, but even paranoids have real enemies. Choose your river with care.

Feng Shui Index 2025 report

Year of the Wood Snake

Sorcerer: Dr James Greenbaum
Sorcerer's apprentice: Susan Zhang
Wand bearer: Forest Chan
Director/Editor: Yukti Vidyarthi
Translation editor: Melanie Ng
Design/Art: Lizzie Lau; Anna Lai; Elva Lau; Patrina Leung; Jon Berkeley
Web development: Paul Ngan; Timothy Wang
Video production: Alexandra Lee; Luna Deng
Thanks to: Sandy Chen Dowling; Ellen Lo
Producer: Liz Patterson

Launched in 1992 as a Chinese New Year card, the CLSA Feng Shui Index is a light-hearted outlook for the Hong Kong market and a well-loved firm tradition. Please note that this guide is not a research report.