How high can a dragonfly? This year even with oxygen assist, it’ll still be some distance from the highest peaks. The time-scale of a year is sufficient for periods of ease to alternate with the throwing up of some drag(on)lines that may impede progress. A better year than last, yet not all the cosmic energies are looking for a free ride on the dragon bandwagon this year. Sharpen those talons for when adversity comes calling.

Wood Dragon:
04 Feb 2025 – 02 Feb 2025
05 Feb 1964 – 03 Feb 1965
Water Dragon:
04 Feb 2012 – 03 Feb 2013
05 Feb 1952 – 03 Feb 1953
Metal Dragon:
04 Feb 2000 – 03 Feb 2001
05 Feb 1940 – 04 Feb 1941
Earth Dragon:
04 Feb 1988 – 03 Feb 1989
05 Feb 1928 – 03 Feb 1929
Fire Dragon:
05 Feb 1976 – 03 Feb 1977
05 Feb 1916 – 03 Feb 1917

Fortune direction:


Augmenting your fortune:

Treasure Bowls

Lucky number:

Lucky colour:



Should you find yourself feeling a little bedragg(on)led this year it may be that the Illness Tally Star, which specialises in causing scale on, well, scales, as well as making all good dragons sneeze and catch cold, has been let loose. Now, dragon bones make for fine medicine, so draco, cura te ipsum one might say. You have them to hand, and foot, and spine, and all over, as it were. Help that along by putting on a puff-er and puffing your way to health.


How could one bear seeing a profit without honour in one’s own house? In such a situation it’s best to upscale. Remove the wrapping from your newly ordered Nine-Dragon Wall Street toy set and set about playing. We know you’ll treasure the time you spend with treasure, light it up and make it a bon-fire of the prosperities.


Tentacle-ly speaking this is a good year for being with people who like to be smothered in fiery outbursts when they least expect it. Snap-dragons come in yellows, purples, whites and reds so you can scale your colourful surprise strategies up or down. Not that you ever need much help when you’re on song, but it’s good to know that you also have the Heavenly Joy Star, known for strengthening all su-pearl-ative relationships even further, as the wind beneath your wings.


Left with a feeling from last year that, despite your best efforts, you were getting dragooned into an area below your true scale? Relationships in your career were getting a little more t-horny than you’d wished for? Opportunities should be floating past this year, looking for a port in a storm, you have many fine talonts and should grasp them when they appear.

Guiding hexagram from the Yi-Jing (Book of Changes)

The Abysmal repeated. If you are sincere, you have success in your heart, and whatever you do succeeds.
Water flows on uninterruptedly and reaches its goal: the image of the Abysmal repeated. Thus the superior man walks in lasting virtue and carries on the business of teaching.
The Forest of Changes:
The gate and residence have burned, they’re completely destroyed. Leave via the western passage and follow the path, there tigers lie prone and the oxen and goats frolic.
The Abysmal repeated – last year all over again? Surely not. Note that if you are Lili St. Cyr, and have success in your heart, then don’t dream it, be it. Certainly this has to do with drag-ons. While the abysmal sounds abysmal, the picture of oxen and goats frolicking makes us think that somewhere out there is a large buffet bbq. Google dragon maps and set off in search.

Feng Shui Index 2025 report

Year of the Wood Snake

Sorcerer: Dr James Greenbaum
Sorcerer's apprentice: Susan Zhang
Wand bearer: Forest Chan
Director/Editor: Yukti Vidyarthi
Translation editor: Melanie Ng
Design/Art: Lizzie Lau; Anna Lai; Elva Lau; Patrina Leung; Jon Berkeley
Web development: Paul Ngan; Timothy Wang
Video production: Alexandra Lee; Luna Deng
Thanks to: Sandy Chen Dowling; Ellen Lo
Producer: Liz Patterson

Launched in 1992 as a Chinese New Year card, the CLSA Feng Shui Index is a light-hearted outlook for the Hong Kong market and a well-loved firm tradition. Please note that this guide is not a research report.