Scales of success
This year, there are 13 lunar months, something that happens every few years to bring the lunar calendar back into line with the solar observations. Custom has it that it is not a winter month that is repeated, and this year it will be the sixth month. It’s not unlike a ‘Groundhog Month’ when the repeated month takes place. It is not exactly the same of course, the qi of the universe and seasons keeps moving along, and this year the added month has only 29 days, which don’t map exactly onto the 30 of the primary, or first, sixth month. Also, for those who keep an eye on a Chinese-style almanac or lunar calendar: not only do the guiding 10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches change through the days; the nine flying stars, the 28 constellations or lunar mansions, and the 12 day officers or day indications all keep to their own systems. The latter, for example, repeating one of the 12 day officers or indications depending on the occurrence of every second solar term. Happily or unhappily for us, the sixth month this year is a snake relaxed, basking on a rock in the sun, and the index may not budge.
Secret hissings point towards good rises in the market through the spring and winter, a long period of summerish lassitude, and small falls throughout the year. For ophiophiles and lovers of other slithery critters, we’ve pegged each month to a different species of snake and see them sloughing off their skins to reveal, like Russian dolls, the true inner snake of the Hang Seng Index.