Taming the shadows

Venom to go and to stay

How does one explain the existence of evil in the world? Why do bad things sometimes happen to good people? Could the Zoroastrians or Gnostics be right in considering all matter to be corrupt and wicked? Frankly, we have no idea what the answers to those questions might be – but some forms of cosmic ill tidings can be avoided and there are ways to do this. Below we introduce the usual suspects, their ill-intentions for the year, and some suggestions for letting them pass you by.

The Grand Duke

How do the classics introduce this figure? “Of all the monsters in the world the Tai Sui is their lord; yet should he present in your astrological chart it is not necessarily diabolical.” Let us turn now to another classic, this one to introduce the reigning fiend for the year of the Snake. That venerable Confucian text, itself one not lacking in affable snakes, the Mencius, makes clear in its first pages that upright officials will move to where good governance predominates, and common people will seek justice there as well. Do not ask for whom the tocsin tolls, it tolls for Wu Sui, this year’s wearer of the Tai Sui robes. Appointed as a District Magistrate in the thirteenth century, Wu soon made his mark and earned a reputation for uncovering scurrilous and nefarious deeds. When hard times came to his area he did not shirk responsibility, saving 50,000 souls in a famine, and having another half million outsiders seek refuge in his area. We are told his being in office acted as a deterrent to hooligans, robbers and arsonists. This was what we knew when we requested an interview. Our request was turned down, but he was good enough to attach a note letting us know that those who kept the peace would have no cause for concern. Did he mean that this would be the year to become invisible? Lu Xun may have once quipped that ‘real hermits, of course, are never seen’, - well, not known in our world. Yet the Tai Sui has eyes adjusted to the frequency of cosmic justice, would he see them? Was it on account of this that the first eremites or monks dwelt in the caves, or on the cliffs, and took vows of silence? Could it have been that the Benedictine monks, responsible for inventing the bubbly champagne, had fled the depredations of the Tai Sui and settled quietly in northern France? This year the Tai Sui remains in the south-east and has his eye on Snakes, Pigs, Tigers, and Monkeys.

The Year Breaker

Tied to the opposite quadrant to the Tai Sui, the Year Breaker is once again in the north-west. Perhaps it is time to ask what this local trouble-maker can do for you. If you have an inclination to any of the following activities he might be the support you need: not starting any renovations, not travelling far, not getting married, not moving house, not maintaining wealth or possessions, and not looking after the elders in your family. If anything on that list appeals to you then placing yourself in the north-west of your house and/or office, and having the main door open in that direction will aid your endeavour. On the other hand… if you are in that area and wish to minimise disruption then keep the noise level minimal and add water to counteract the quadrant’s metal and the visiting star’s wood, then water, quiet water, more water… if nothing else then a large painting of a waterfall.

Three Killings

This year, the east is less-than-delighted to host the Three Killings. Three Killings? Buy one get two free? Who has ever seen such a sign? We’re sad to say that this unlikely freebie may exist in the cosmic realm. Forewarned is forearmed, and you’ll be needing your own private army of metal qilins to help keep them at bay. Why metal? The east this year also has the ninth flying star quartered there, the east is associated with wood while star number nine is associated with the element of fire, ready to add fuel to the flames you can expect to arise from petty quarrels, loss of property and calamities. Making this celestial delinquent work for you can be strategic: store metals in this area, remove wooden objects; for colours, avoid greens and reds and accentuate whites, magnolias and greys.

Five Yellow

The Five Yellow is in the north-east this year. Some entities in the universe are made to invent, construct and maintain whatever is before them. Not so here, this charming deity is a natural-born wrecker, and this year he’s getting some local assistance with the earth element of the north-east joining his own elemental disposition. One way to drain the energy of earth is to bring in living wood; some say the centre of the Forbidden City was always kept clear of trees so that the power of the emperor would not be threatened by wood (meaning the east, and thus the heir apparent). A better solution would be to use all the earth energy produced in the north-east and drive it toward metal. From a string of six metal coins to a rare-earth processing plant, your choices are many, just have it prepared in advance of the new year.

Feng Shui Index 2025 report

Year of the Wood Snake

Sorcerer: Dr James Greenbaum
Sorcerer's apprentice: Susan Zhang
Wand bearer: Forest Chan
Director/Editor: Yukti Vidyarthi
Translation editor: Melanie Ng
Design/Art: Lizzie Lau; Anna Lai; Elva Lau; Patrina Leung; Jon Berkeley
Web development: Paul Ngan; Timothy Wang
Video production: Alexandra Lee; Luna Deng
Thanks to: Sandy Chen Dowling; Ellen Lo
Producer: Liz Patterson

Launched in 1992 as a Chinese New Year card, the CLSA Feng Shui Index is a light-hearted outlook for the Hong Kong market and a well-loved firm tradition. Please note that this guide is not a research report.