Do you hear the rat-a-tat drum beat? A band of friendly dragon drummers are blasting away the rabbit-tainted misfortunes of last year. The blocks on your innovative practices have gone; your tail will no longer be trod on, meaning you can go back to regulating yourself when running hot or cold. When inspiration strikes, there should not be any traps on your path and, as you thrive anywhere but Antarctica, you should be free to follow your nose.
Lucky bamboo
Whiskers fine-tuned? Fur groomed enough to remove all stress? Teeth sharpened and nose twitching? It should be a good year for health. Some nuisance stars are following you around this year, and the one related to health is the Flying Blade, which remains true to its name. Shaving cuts and gutter trips are all possible. The better news is you will not need to be on any rat-ions and, of course, washing with pu-mice will keep any nasty metals away.
Getting along well with dragons doesn’t mean they will share all their baubles with you. There is another way out of the maze of poverty this year: the accidental exit. It may prove tricky to rat-ify the prospects of any financial enterprises you get a sniff at this year, but with your prospects for promotion looking healthy, you might be able to turn that into a small windfall that will more than offset your new expenses.
Happily, the one carry-over from last year is an emotional life free from the rats that dwell in your heart and never pay the rent. No need for you to return to being too rat-ional either, your verve and creativity will attract only the micest types. Use the inertia from last year’s promising starts to build the habitat that suits you best.
Visiting this year is the General Star and this is certain to move you ahead of the competition and closer to the better cheeses. To gain its good graces, you need to behave as a foot soldier in the larger game against the cats. It will take note of your assiduous attitude and scatter e-rodent through the environment, dissolving those micebergs in your path.
Sorcerer: Dr James Greenbaum
Sorcerer's apprentice: Stella Liu
Wand bearer: Justin SL Chan
Director/Editor: Sandy Chen Dowling; Yukti Vidyarthi
Translation editor: Sandra Tsui
Design/Art: Cecilia Wong; Elva Lau; Lizzie Lau; Patrina Leung; Jon Berkeley
Web development: Paul Ngan; Timothy Wang
Video production: Alexandra Lee; Joy Zhou
Thanks to: Christina Qianna; Ellen Lo; Melanie Ng; Priscilla Man
Producer: Liz Patterson