No need to see how deep the rabbit hole is this year. You’re out of the woods, into the prairie and your ear lacing is thick and woolly. Foxes are gone, hunters elsewhere, but projects will begin slowly. Through the spring, the grasses grow and by summer you will be in clover and flopping all over the place. Ears up lagomorph, run with the hares and hunt with the hounds.
No rump of a year for you! Miniaturisation beckons - those feng shui planetary mentors are pulling rabbits out of hats and keeping you in good health. Large troubles become small while mini troubles disappear.
A warning has sounded for those drawing down on funds and for those who borrow. Make sure you know who you’re coneying up to and don’t get levereted up to the hilt. Keep that lettuce coming in from regulated markets as you want your world to remain in colour and not suddenly turn to grey and find yourself in hock.
Buck the trend and let your loved one have their way. No need to go all doe-eyed about them, just keep your cottontail out of their face. We’ve a hutch that a little more organised circling will have you doing binkies and singing dewlaps all year long. Saddle up and put your capon, there’s love out there and the stars are ready to power up that rabbit’s foot.
Not a whisker of a hare in your way this year, even the bunnies in front of you should be recognising your potential. More chances to munch on the good green grass are coming your way once you get out of your cage. For those in business, the carrots are all lined up, but be careful who you eat them with - there may be a few rabbit punches heading your way.
Chinese actor Jet Li; Hong Kong actress and singer Charmaine Sheh; actress and model Charlize Theron; actress and businesswoman Drew Barrymore.
The joyous. Success. Perseverance is favourable.
Lakes resting on the other: the image of the joyous. Thus the superior man joins with his friends for discussion and practice.
Nine in the second place means sincere joyousness. Good fortune. Remorse disappears.
You can pull a rabbit out of a hat this year and with magic, remorse disappears. Lake above and lake below, how much happiness can a rabbit bear? Give yourself over to the discussion and practice of joy. Glossy blaze and lazy tail. Nose biffing through the year.
03 Feb 2011 - 22 Jan 2012
06 Feb 1951 - 26 Jan 1952
16 Feb 1999 - 04 Feb 2000
19 Feb 1939 - 07 Feb 1940
29 Jan 1987 - 16 Feb 1988
02 Feb 1927 - 22 Jan 1928
11 Feb 1975 - 30 Jan 1976
14 Feb 1915 - 02 Feb 1916
25 Jan 1963 - 12 Feb 1964
29 Jan 1903 - 15 Feb 1904