Nirmala Sitharaman
18 August, 1959
Jackson Wang
28 March, 1994
Charles III
14 November, 1948
Ferdinand Marcos, Junior
13 September, 1957
Volodymyr Zelensky
25 January, 1978
Esther Wojcicki
26 May, 1941
18 August, 1959
28 March, 1994
14 November, 1948
13 September, 1957
25 January, 1978
26 May, 1941
Now in her fourth year as India’s Finance Minister and Minister for Corporate Affairs, Sitharaman has also served as the country’s Defence Minister. Guiding the economy through the Covid years has been a difficult task worldwide - even more so for the larger economies. What awaits her this year? Pigs typically do well in Rabbit years, with the water element’s abundance serving as nourishment for the wood in Rabbit's bazi. While her stewardship of the economy is front and centre, we also note that the stars are calling out for her to not fall for any scams or other chicanery. Her temptations need not be personal, as her family has enough wealth to not concern themselves, so the warning for an otherwise positive year is professional and ideological. She might also leave domestic matters, such as who feeds the cat and dusts the window sill, to others while she concentrates on work.
With a foot in nearly every camp, an extraordinary capacity to develop and maintain artistic control, and preternatural physical prowess, it is difficult to see Wang having a bad year at anything. Yet the stars can be fickle. His creative endeavours should gain even more acclaim this year, but he should beware of becoming too confident in his own designs and petty carping from those on the outside; how to steer a course through these challenges would test Odysseus at his peak. While a good year beckons for Wood Dogs, the cosmic guardian angels have gone out to a long lunch. Should serious issues suddenly arise, he will need to rely on the wisdom of the older generation. Personal disagreements will need caution and patience on his part, especially if they play out in public.
What is Charles III to do? While his financial situation is predicted to improve, his country’s economy is set to falter, a difficult position for the newly crowned monarch. Part of the answer will lie in how quickly and thoroughly he makes the transition from being an individual with particular views to a monarch ruling for the benefit of all. An unsettled emotional position may lead him to groundless fears, but how much of them will we see? A proactive approach to carve out enough time for himself, even if it is just for a stroll or to actively do nothing, will see him avoid health scares and unwanted accidents. The royal bedroom is no concern of ours, but the King might make sure that the bed is comfortable and the curtains appropriately drawn for a good night’s rest.
When is it a good time to become the leader of a country? Rarely do new leaders get much more than a honeymoon before scrutiny tightens and the carping begins. Marcos Junior also brings to his position a family background that will complicate many of his endeavours. Roosters are due for an unsettled year - if we say he is in danger of stumbling, it may not be a euphemism. Money will also be tight, with schemes and plans by others not yet used to his style out to trip him up or defraud his office in some fashion. Work is not badly aspected for Fire Roosters and by year’s end, we expect Marcos Junior to have secured his position both with professional colleagues and the public at large. From there, he should have a good base to exert himself more confidently through the international sphere.
Regardless of any opinion on what has taken place in Ukraine, we might all agree that one of the stranger occurrences has been the election of an actor to the highest office in the land, a role he once played in a local sitcom. Zelensky’s rise and dignified stature under the most trying circumstances point to a remarkable human being. His work stars look comfortable and trouble-free enough - he is unlikely to be challenged for his position. His finances are stable but unauthorised or subsidiary channels for money might prove problematic, and he is advised to maintain direct control and restraint over such matters. A period of despondency may come early in the year, but the company of colleagues and good exercise will keep a lid on it.
Known as the godmother of Silicon Valley, the "Woj" is an American educator, journalist and mother to three successful daughters - YouTube CEO Susan, 23andme CEO Anne and doctor/professor Janet. With a slew of her own honorary degrees trailing behind her, one might think this octogenarian educator could step back a bit from learning. Her stars, possibly aligning themselves with her personal desires, suggest otherwise. While caution should be taken with any prospective investments, it is not called for in the field of learning. Further knowledge is indicated and encouraged by the cosmos. The learning might be something entirely new for herself, or it might be a novel direction for the many education programmes she has run over the years. However, be aware that a gaggle of wicked stars are congregating in the viper quarters, and may weigh on the emotional outlook of even the most affable of snakes.
Sorcerer: Dr James Greenbaum
Sorcerer's apprentice: Justin SL Chan
Wand bearer: Stella Liu
Director/Editor: Sandy Chen Dowling
Translation editor: Sandra Tsui
Design/Art: Cecilia Wong; Elva Lau; Lizzie Lau; Jon Berkeley
Web development: Paul Ngan; Timothy Wang
Video production: Stuart Rankin, Alexandra Lee, Hyson Chui
Thanks to: Ellen Lo; Priscilla Man; Victoria Martyn, Melanie Ng
Producer: Liz Patterson