Welcome to the Battle Royale where good stars fight bad influences and vice-versa. In the South, we have the Three-Killings spreading their joy. Opposed to them are three stars of fortune: Star 1 in the South-East favouring patronage and academic fortune; Star 6 in the South spreading attenuated wealth and general good fortune; and Star 8 in the South-West, the biggie of them all pushing back against those hateful and destructive vapours. In the West, home of our sacred Earth Rooster, is woody Star 4 - quite the cheery chap. So expect clearer skies out at the airport.
The West has our bananas rating. Star 9, ahem, future prosperity, is now sitting unassailed in the East. Despite belonging to Brer Rabbit, not being the best of pals with our Rooster, it still looks very promising and gets our second bananas rating.
Other coconuts will be dropping from the trees for your amusement, with possible profit in the north and North-West, and the South-East. The South-West and Centre have enough afflictions to get the peanuts rating, while the South and North-East get nothing but the toadstool.