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Time for zodiac-yak: Check the Snake's coil for your sign
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Executive summary: Bit of a hisser
Sssupporting Ssstars: Lucky, Auspicious
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Inauspicious, Emotional, Bloodshed, Prickly, Indolent, Tai Sui
Famous Snake folk:
James Bond, Bob Dylan, JK Rowling, Xi Jinping, Yang Liwei

It just doesn't seem right, eh? It's your year, but instead of three cheers you're more likely to cop one over the ear. It's just the feng shui of the world. So moan on your own or take it in your slide. Think of it as a great opportunity to test your mettle. And, as the doctor said to the boy who'd swallowed another marble: 'This too shall pass.'
Twelve months in four easy pieces
A little down? Don't eat the duck. We jest. But with His Vexcellency* there staring daggers of disapproval if you so much as blink, you can expect a bit of stress this year. Care for yourself like the precious gem you are. Mr Grumpy will grouse off soon.
The good news is it's not too bad. The bad news is it's not that good. You'll need to navigate a caution of caveats to collect the ka-ching! Such as the "don't" 3Gs: gamble (betcha can't); be greedy (cheapens you); be a gull (snake-toil salesmen).
*Tai Sui, who occupies the SE3 sector of the Snake in 2013.
Oh, you sexy sinuous serpents! And yet to such little account this year. You may as well chase your own tail for all the action you're likely to get. Flick your wicked tongue and tempt all Eve if you wish, but it's no Paradice. All talk, no trouser, Snakes.
An Australian Prime Minister's wife once primly dismissed a critic as 'lower than a snake's duodenum'. That's about the level to keep your bonce this year. Shotheads can't hit what they can't see. Sniff the wind, grow with the flow and slide it out.
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Executive summary: Mane be ssso ordinary
Sssupporting Ssstars: Success
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Tragedy, Unlucky, Void, Extravagant, Harmful
Famous Horse folk:
Jackie Chan, Rolf Harris, Hu Jintao, Angela Merkel, Wen Jiabao

Whoa! What's not to like? It's no laydown whinny-winner, but there's neigh point in looking about for trouble. Besides which, a mirror will soon show what's most likely to trip you up this year. Don't be an ass! Reload that ever-reliable Horse sense, get your head in the right place and see how easily "ordinary" becomes "oat-standing".
Twelve months in four easy pieces
There's no question that you've got the legs for the Great Race and much more besides, but how is the old head? Ah, the mind! What a marvellous machine - and one of those fiddly, unfathomable Enigma ones, at that. Got to love it!
At worst, your wealth looks stable - but only the lazy or grazy'd saddle for that. Name of the mane game is being a force on the bourse, Horse. It's "first past the post" and with the rider stuff and your ears pinned for the wind, you'll clean up neighsly.
Looks like pretty well every equine in Cupid's queue catches a quiver of the ol' magic balderdust this year. What mushy, gushy gumpf ensues! We'd advise giving it up for the late great Godfather of Soul - which is as close as most will get to The One.
'No options' often belies a lack of imagination. But it'snort an issue for work-Horses, who face a surfeit of tasty choices. What to do? An old man once told us telepathically: 'Choose divorce, Luke.' Not hitched; not our name. Odd. Any use to you?
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Executive summary: Sheep be right, mate
Sssupporting Ssstars: Um . . .
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Aggressive, Mourning, two Conflicts, Mishap, Despair
Famous Sheep folk:
Coco Chanel, Chow Yun-fat, George Harrison, Zhang Ziyi

Jeepers Sheepsters, we 'feel your pain', as Big Bill was wont to coo in that way that you almost believed him. Being dogged by seven surly stars is no fun. But banish the bleatin' and you'll soon have the fleas beaten. And as the teacher said encouragingly to the boy struggling to unravel an unruly sentence: 'This too shall parse.'
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Rams and lambs, ewe mutton let things get on top of you - things like SUVs driven by people incapable of keeping a shopping trolley on track. Sheep peeps shor'need their sleeps. If ewe can't count on yourselves for that, try reading Finnegan's Wake.
'Sheep be right, mate,' as the bluetongue lizards of Oz opine betwixt drinks. You'll earn it the hard way this year, and be all the better for it. Bettor? Better not. Throw the die round with dogs; set-up for fleece. Leave gambolling to Spring lambs.
Whether ewe yearn a soul mate or just a soulless date, there's mutton much doing - your fate's not great. Net great, you say? "Click" go the sheared - and shor'nuff, like clams to the water, flocks of fleecy types will be bleatin' a path to your door.
Movin' on up? Travelling, anyway. Which could mean anything from a gruelling fact-finding tour of some of the world's top luxe resorts to a longer commute after "promotion" to the Tin Shui Wai branch. And ewes to say which'd be worsted?
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Executive summary: Nuts so bad
Sssupporting Ssstars: Benefactor, Feminine, Harmonious
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Enslaved, Entagling, Harmful, Illness, Violent, Sorrow, Punishment
Famous Monkey folk:
Leonardo da Vinci, Han Yu, Socrates, Yao Ming

From where we're standing, it doesn't look as if it would take much to nudge that "ssso-so" up into "Sweet Street" territory or even higher up da vine. Sure, you've got seven ssso-and-ssso skunks to keep an eye on, but just look at the names who've got your back! Get your tail into gear, and razzle-dazzle with the old Monkey magic.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
You're as lively as a barrel full of . . . ah, yes. Two things to mind in a paranoid manner - both bruising. Just because the cars aren't out to get you doesn't mean they won't. And as for backstabbing gossips, well, they really are out to get you.
Your wealth is "recovering", which sounds as if it's just got back from holiday in Colombia. We'll not pry. The good news is it's on the mend and we're not talking peanuts (that would be our bonus). Who's got a lovely bunch of coconuts, then?
Ever had a hanker for a rock 'n' roll love-lifestyle, with more ups and downs (emotionally speaking) than Groucho's eyebrows? Has the Snake got a rollercoaster year ready for you Monkeys! You're spoken for? OK, a nice cup of tea then.
Heads up: Keep your crown down, ears open, lip zipped 'n' nose clean. The boss is itchin' to dish a bitchin' as sniping by colleagues becomes machinegun chatter. Get wise, guys; don the shy guise; use the sly eyes; and keep out of that lyin' of ire.
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Executive summary: Cockydoodle you!
Sssupporting Ssstars: Wealth, Achievement, Commanding, Auspicious
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Separation, Conniving, Slander, Grievance, Disaster, Unlucky, Libel
Famous Rooster folk:
James Brown, Yoko Ono, Ye Jianying, Neil Young

As Family Guy's Peter Griffin would put it (ad nauseam): 'B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word . . . ' You Roosters surely must be getting sick of this chicken run of spanking good luck you've been having? Wouldn't like to toss a few crumbs our way? Oh well, never mind. Now, what is it they make feather-dusters from . . .
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Two risks, Chicks. First, don't get yourselves run down, especially with flu on the loose. Second, don't get yourselves run down - you don't want the last words you ever hear to be a yolk joke: 'Why did that Chicken cross the road?'
Shake that tael-feather and flex your pecks. You cocky Layers are players - and stayers, to boot. Our take is you Clucks have the pluck to parlay your luscious luck into big bucks. Fate is playing your fortune and it sounds like We're in the money.
Ah, love is in the air. Pity you can't fly. No mind, that smile-high thing is such cuddle-class, back-of-theplane- Jane stuff anyway. Stick to the grassroots, we say, and surf the home turf. No itch left unscratched with cheeky Chooks. Wing-wink!
Looks like a challenging year ahead, Chicks, and we don't mean in that "hate-cha" doubletalk way. You'll have the opportunity to really show your talons - and to be hen-somely rewarded. Ignore the envy from the peanut gallery's chicken-feed breed.
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Executive summary: Looks A-OK9!
Sssupporting Ssstars: Advancement, Kindness, Romance
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Indulgence, Illness
Famous Dog folk:
David Bowie, Rahul Gandhi, Akira Kurosawa, Yang Zhenning

Talk about a turnaround story! If only we could have bought lots of lots of you lot last year, when you were totally out in the dog house and on the cold, wet nose. Now you're baaark! And you're practically leader of the zodiac pack. Howl lovely to see. Suddenly, Iggy Pop almost makes sense: 'I just wanna be your dawwg . . . ' Woof!
Twelve months in four easy pieces
You're in such tail-thumpingly rude form it's all we can do not to bitchslap you all. Swear to dog, though, it's just what the dog-tor ordered for a year that promises to be both energising and exhausting. (You heel so well, anyway! Now, play dead.)
Even if only half of it goes roughly to plan, you'll coin it like Croesus. But prick your ears, Pooch Peeps, and listen well, lest you land in the poop or worse: Strap the trap and stay out of bow-row-rows - bloodsucking legal eagles circle o'erhead.
Don't expect pickups on these suave lines this year: 'Grab yer shiny coat, you're poodled.' In fact, the outlook for Tail-chasers is so doggone twee it grrrates. Players 'n' strayers become payers 'n' stayers; bitches flick their switches; attackers go slack-as . . .
Not tiring of this outrageous run of luck? We ask only becurs, come 2H, you may hear the first sour notes amid the chorus of hosannas from every man and his dog. Any upside in snapping back? Better to bite your tongue; bide your time.
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Not squeally great
Sssupporting Ssstars: Auspicious, Voyager
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Extravagant, Trouble, Danger, Disaster, Tai Sui
Famous Pig folk:
Lance Armstrong, Gustave Eiffel, Lee Kwan Yew, Liu Xiang

It's more than a boar knowing some unseen, all-powerful presence is tracking your every move - and that's just Google. You poor Porkers have the Tai Sui on your tails as well. Snout to do but your best: Stuck pigs squeal and quit; stoic pigs deal with it. As the dentist said to the boy with the makings of an abcess. 'This tooth shall pus.'
Twelve months in four easy pieces
When the goin' gets trough, groanin' 'n' gettin' stuffed just won't cut it. Porquoi? Bore the obvious reason: You can't fly unless you're in pig condition. You know the brill drill: Don't fill with swill; get plenty of roast; and lots of walkies, Porkies.
Bringing home the bacon's nout a problem; it's making the buck stop there. Curly retail therapy for what sales thee? That's no cure, Hams. If you can't mend your spend, at least throw dough at something that may return the favour, with interest.
We've not seen such universal slack of interest since Madonna last let fly. If truffles are thin underground close to home, try rooting foreign fields. It's not who you know but the 'net result, you know? In your case, though, it still comes up zero.
If you've seen old news footage of Beatlemania, you'll have an idea of your year - except your "fans" have all got bones to pig with you. Of course they're all pigmies, but they can do a mean spit roast. Best strategy? Keep out of Ham's way.
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Executive summary: Gnaw too shabby
Sssupporting Ssstars: Benefactor, Prosperity, Aspiring
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Calamity, Disaster
Famous Rat folk:
Silvio Burlusconi, Scarlett Johansson, Ozzy Osbourne, Leo Tolstoy

Leaving aside the caveat of 'the best-laid plans' and all that, your fortune is looking well on the bright side of "average" - indeed within a whisker of "wonderful" for many, especially Water Rats. That said (and twitch his own of course), use the old Mouse nous and go easy on the squeaks and squeals of delight. Gets up a few noses.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Give Freud the boid and develop a serious oral fixation - more than just a cure for ratbaited breath or furry mouse of a morn. Oh well, your floss if you chews to ignaw . . . you'll feel a right orthodonkey when the dentsk-tsk fits your rodentures.
You've got an itchin', twitchin' nose for the needful. Dough should rise swell, but warrants a close watch and timely turns to ensure it earns rat-urns you could rat-ire on. Next year may find you scratchin' for scratch. Burnt paws for thought.
There mayn't be no cure, as Cohen keens, but pity not the afflicted for most are hypochondriacs. Impaired rats: Patience is what the good doc ordered, but does your mate have enough? Singles: Pickup lines are for groceries. Top shelf looks tasty.
"Back-rat-cha" as much as you like at the gold-tooth flash brat leering from the mirror at home. But while at work, lift your sighs and aim for humble. So easy to find the "rat" in "grateful", but gnawed the reverse. Indulge in a dormouse meek-over.
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Executive summary: Milk it!
Sssupporting Ssstars: Success, Harmonious, Aspiring
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Unlucky, Desolate, Lonely
Famous Cow folk:
George Clooney, Li Bai, Jawaharlal Nehru, Barack Obama

How's "wow" sound, Cows? That's the word for the Herd once the Snake's on the make. Content is king, as a bullish Bill Gates argued, and there should be few more contented than you mob come the close, given the crème de la crème outlook. No call for grabbing bulls by horns - simply take the year by the ears and life as it comes.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Cud be better - that's probably the cause of most of your ailments. Be wary of dairy and choose your chews carefully. Steer clear of toxic shocks, rusty locks, wet socks and any poxy fox . . . or you may end up at the doc's. Lucerne up a bit, hay?
Oddly, it's likely no one has heifer called you a bull. So we'd wager there's no need to cownsel against a gambol - herdest thing from your mind, eh? Yet your steady moneymaking style is set to deliver bullion by the bucket. Cownt those coins!
Not a word from us this year about what horny beasts ye be; getting your ox off; taking a tumble in the hay; or rolling over 'n' over in clover. We'll even pass on those knowing, wild gloats and other such facile mooble entendre. How groan up.
About time? To the plotters, not the plodders, go the spoils as a rotten rule. But it's your oats-annas they'll be singing all the year long. Accept the praise (and likely raise) with graze. On the udder hand, milk it till it curdles! Calf your luck.
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Executive summary: Grr-ouchy
Sssupporting Ssstars: Benevolence, Auspicious, Fortune
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Robbery, Failure, Dispute, Calamity, Six Harmful Clashes
Famous Tiger folk:
Hugh Hefner, Karl Marx, Ho Chi Minh, Michelle Yeoh

It may well feel like a jungle out there this year for you Striped Types, what with all the snipes, gripes and swipes. To get you through, take your cue from the Fab Four over the Stones and Let It Be. (You can always Let It Bleed later). And read the fineprint. As the chef said to the young apprentice with a sniff: 'This stew's well past.'
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Fred Nietzsche was wont to advise relishing life's rough stuff ("What doesn't kill me . . . ") and it may well be the best way to get through this bahumbug of a year, Tiges. There's sure no upside in fretting, sweating and letting it all wear you down.
Money can't buy you happiness? We are ever ready and willing (if, sadly, unable) to give it a shot. Interests of science and all that. "Rich Uncle" Star 8 is your ray of hope this year. It may not leave the kitty groaning, but a grin or two won't go astray.
More purrrdah than purrrple patch on the purrrsonal front for Felines. Don't be surprised to receive 'wish you were here' holiday postcards from your mojo. Fret nyet, Pet. It'll be back swoon. You'll just have to stroke your own ego in the interim.
Your insistence that it's your way or their funeral can peers off sensitive colleagues. Fancy! Pygmies perhaps, but they can blow a mean dart. So maybe temper the temper this year? Put the roars on pause, store those claws and just play it cool, Cats.
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Executive summary: Bounder get better
Sssupporting Ssstars: Achievement
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Hazardous, Devious, Calamity, Injury, Mourning
Famous Rabbit folk:
Albert Einstein, Hu Yaobang, Jet Li, George Orwell

Amid machinations infernal, hop springs eternal - and with good cause in your case, Bunnies. The outlook may not be quite 24-carrot just yet, but it's still leaps and bounds ahead of what you've been catching of late. And there'll be high-fiving all round when the hooves of next year's fiery Horse hit the horizon.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
You've more bounce per ounce in just one of your floppy, flappy ears than most folk in their entire bods. But you dynamos need lots of TLC, watt? Healthy ohm cooking; ample rest; and almost any exercise that involts getting the ticker tocking.
In the words of the hoodoo guru, 'get on the good foot' and 'shake that money maker' (although 'like a sex machine' is optional). Either way, you'll feeeel good! The odds of spanking speculative returns are high. Timing is all; greed ain't good.
You know what they say about rabbits - well, this year looks like a rule-proving exception. Folding up your jimjams may be as near as you get to pillow torque. No bad thing, given most post-cordial gibber we've endured.
If you want something done, they say, ask a busy person - at least it's what we lazy, layabout loafers say. You are that person this year, Big Ears, because you'll be busier than a bee with hives. Burning yearning for learning? Can't hurt the earning.
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Executive summary: Bit short of puff 'n' stuff
Sssupporting Ssstars: Happiness, Achievement
Ssscoundrel Ssstars:
Desire, Calamity, Illness, Precariouos, Discord, Enslaved
Famous Dragon folk:
Deng Xiaoping, Li Ka-shing, Bruce Lee, Wang Xiaobo

The good news? Your fortune's far flasher than it was for last year. The bad news? That's probably not saying a lot, eh? We jest. Well, jest a bit. A fascinating thing, relativity - all the more so if you've got the foggiest notion of the theory behind it. Best left to the Einsteins, no doubt. Quark, strangeness and charm indeed.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
If we read it right, this past year has been more stressful than restful and odds are you've had a gutful. Not naggin', Dragons, just flaggin' that you're sort of saggin'. Sleep is cheap (but not a pip less priceless for that). And the smoking? Not a good look.
Naught worth the braggin', Dragons, but it's getting better all the time - and will do for the first six months, anyway. The bulk of your bundle is from the sweat of your brow, with a windfall or two to keep you keen. Ideal speculation? Idle, more like.
There's something enchanting about you Dragons - and this year the dial is on 11! We hope you know how to turn it down. One tires of being mobbed by admirers - trust us. And it's a love that's only ever skin deep (which has always suited us, frankly).
That ambition you've kept slowburn smouldering for so long now you think it's dyspepsia rather than a dream? Well, its time has come. Let it grow, let it go, let it fly. It may crash and burn, but nothing from a Dragon's heart can ever disappoint.
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