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Has the Slideruler got the writhe stuff
- or is it a s'pent force? It's a tough coil
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The CLSA Feng Shui Index 2013
Whether this forecast for the Hang Seng has you nodding in agreement, laughing at its ridiculousness or merely dumfounded, such confounding twists and turns are often par for the bourse when a Snake has the helm.

As befits the yin-coming energy, this year's lead sifu are she-fu, with Mariana Kou and Emily Lam returning to
  toss the old oracle boas. In his newfound role as their apprentice, the ever-patient Oliver Lam is inevitably left to pick up the pizzas.

May the Black Water Snake spread the good stuff far, wide and free and leave us - like the man in the old saying - healthy, wealthy and wise enough to know which matters most. Kung hei fat choy!
  The Indexsss | The Hang Ssseng | The Monthsss | The Hissstory | The Sectorsss  
  The Ssszodiac | The Facesss | The Hot Lotsss | The Universsse