The Indexsss | The Hang Ssseng | The Monthsss | The Hissstory | The Sectorsss  
  The Ssszodiac | The Facesss | The Hot Lotsss | The Universsse | The Video
Month-by-month feng shui market analysis


1. We score each month (Sssuper, Sssucky or Ssso-so) on how we see
feng shui influences affecting the HSI.

2. Western-calendar months spanned.

3. Name of lunar month (animal plus seasonal element; Wood Tiger always first); colour of bar reflects "visiting element", which may differ from dominant one (see below). Main jieqi or solar-based agricultural event is at right.

4. Dates for solar month (what the seeriest sifus choose) plus lunar month
(for calculating festivals).

5. Forecast summary for the time-tight exec.

6. Which zodiac sign is
in luck and which may need plenty of pluck.

7. Best market dates . . .

8. . . . and ones to watch.

9. Best direction to seek windfalls; plus month's dominant element/s, based on our Hang
Seng-focused reading.

10. Short forecast using fundamental energy flows or wu xing . . .

11. . . . neatly summarised in our at-a-glance balance beam and mean-divergence box (higher number points
to increased volatility). Check out the charts in our Sectors section.

12. Adder it all up
then provides you with
a précis of our analysis
of the likely impact of
the month's feng shui influences and drivers, which brings us to . . .

13. . . . the most favoured investible sector (see also our Sectors section) and which lifestyle area should get a boost: Health, Wealth, Love or Career (check what's on the cards for your sign).

14. Balancing elemental energies is like trying to nail custard to the wall. That said, we suggest
a few ways to land a strategic blow or two.

15. Finally, we note the Hang Seng's best-ever absolute and relative results for each month.

  The Indexsss | The Hang Ssseng | The Monthsss | The Hissstory | The Sectorsss  
  The Ssszodiac | The Facesss | The Hot Lotsss | The Universsse