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Fortunes of our baker's dozen of famous faces
Click on each of the names to check their forecast

Leung Chun-ying
Chief Executive of Hong Kong
Born: 12 August 1954
Sign: Wood Horse
Day Master*: Yang Earth (Weak)
Ai Wei Wei
Artist & political activist
Born: 18 May 1957
Sign: Fire Rooster
Day Master*: Yang Metal (Strong)
His sign is the Horse and he's nicknamed The Wolf, yet Hong Kong's Chief Executive seems more like a fish out of water at times. Which led us to wonder, while waiting for our usual at the Chippy recently, just what sort of fish Leung would be if he were one. A salmon? (Pink on the inside.) A shark? (Wolf of the sea.) Or, given his awkward start, perhaps a flounder? After six months in office - and despite his much-hyped and hampered bid to meet the electorate-in-waiting - it can be hard to get a line on Leung. His fortune chart suggests that he's strong-willed, determined, has trouble admitting failings, acts on instinct, has a wellhoned sense of injustice and makes enemies easily, if unwittingly. Who knew? Apparently, he's likely to also abhor hypocrisy. So what's ahead for the CE? Our dear old mum, being a kind-hearted, optimistic soul, invariably says of anyone who has been unlucky in life's great "looks" lottery that they probably have 'a good personality'. By that standard, we could probably say Leung looks to be in for a 'good year'. Say what you like about Ai Wei Wei . . . if you're allowed to, of course. An acquaintance of ours reckons he's the ant's pants and calls him the Great Balls of China. Another reckons he's just pants. Funny things, opinions. Bit like dogs, though - no good keeping them locked up. Just our opinion. Ai lets his out at the drop of a hat, as you might expect of a chap whose chart crackles with Fire. And given the Rooster-Snake affinity, it's no surprise to see a serpent in several of his works, notably Snake Bag (2008). The 16-metre piece is made from hundreds of grey school backpacks - inspired by what he saw amid the Sichuan earthquake's rubble. Schools were among the worst hit, almost certainly because of shoddy construction due to corruption. That was Ai's opinion and letting that "dog" slip marked his first major run-in with the authorities. As a Rooster, Ai should be set for a super year, though tempered a tad in his case. Windfalls are ever welcome, and there's the hint of one later in the year. Need to be hurricane-strength to cover his eye-popping tax whack, though. Just our opinion.
*Unlike the zodiac sign of the year you were born, your day master (the heavenly stem of your bazi chart's day pillar) is said to represent your true nature. *Unlike the zodiac sign of the year you were born, your day master (the heavenly stem of your bazi chart's day pillar) is said to represent your true nature.
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Aung San Suu Kyi
Myanmar Leader of the Opposition
Born: 19 June 1945
Sign: Wood Rooster
Day Master*: Yin Earth (Strong)
Michael Bloomberg
Mayor of New York City
Born: 14 February 1942
Sign: Water Horse
Day Master*: Yang Earth (Weak)
'The lady's not for turning,' Margaret Thatcher famously said, defying the lowest approval rating of any British Prime Minister and growing opposition to her economic policies. She wasn't dubbed the Iron Lady for nothing. Aung San Suu Kyi is known simply as The Lady, but she may well be made of even tougher "mettle". After all, this Lady wasn't even for blinking. She not only went toe to toe with Myanmar's military rulers for decades without budging an inch, but actually stared the bullies down! There can't be many tougher tests of your beliefs. Other than perhaps the one she's now undertaking of holding firmly to those beliefs amid the hurly-burly of everyday politics, which some argue are inherently compromising and corrupting. Our reading suggests Aung San Suu Kyi may find the year ahead to be tough going - a worry considering what she's been through. As a Chicken, she should be in for a stellar time, but her Day Master and other configurations see things differently. Still, with her solid-gold form, we'd back The Lady against anything mere Fate can dish up any day of the week. The man behind the name that's front and centre of more than 300,000 desks throughout the world ends his third and final term as NYC Mayor in November. Which leaves us wondering what the suave, politically incorrect, antiques-loving crypto-Marxist will do now. We don't mean Bloomberg, of course. With US$22bn in the bank, he can do as he jolly well likes. But his departure will deprive our London-based Nipponologist John Seagrim§ of one of the alliterative legs of what's almost a signature note of his emails: Mayor Mike's Marvellous Machine. Very 'Er . . . ijo desu'. As for Bloomberg, even critics admit he redefined the mayoral role, as he did with financial information. (It helps being able to dig into your own pocket to fund budget shortfalls, preferred projects and campaigning - his final term cost him a record US$174 per vote.) In the process, Bloomberg has become a national figure whose independent voice is worth hearing - and he clearly loves it. Our reading points to a clever career change ahead. The Mayor may be leaving. But not Bloomberg.
*Unlike the zodiac sign of the year you were born, your day master (the heavenly stem of your bazi chart's day pillar) is said to represent your true nature. *Unlike the zodiac sign of the year you were born, your day master (the heavenly stem of your bazi chart's day pillar) is said to represent your true nature.
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Ricky Wong Wai-kay
Founder and chairman, City Telecom
Born: 13 December 1961
Sign: Metal Cow
Day Master*: Yang Metal (Weak)
Poman Lo
Executive director, Regal Hotels
Born: 01 September 1980
Sign: Metal Monkey
Day Master*: Yin Fire (Weak)
Back in the day, TV was like the weather - much as people griped about it, they felt compelled to watch, if only in hopes it would get better. And it did. An evergrowing spectrum of delivery systems and options left free-to-air (FTA) stations looking like dinosaurs. Audiences fragmented, advertisers followed. Not a pretty picture - unless you're Ricky Wong and the market is Hong Kong, where FTA is a monopoly, in effect, and the fare is like 'chewing gum for the eyes', as one early critic dubbed TV. Wong made his name busting the local telco's overseas-call monopoly in the 90s, and then took on the big broadband carriers by building a US$4bn fibre-optic network. He sold it to get into TV when in 2009 the government, backed by viewers and advertisers, opened FTA to new applications - which it's still 'vetting' three years on. Perseverance may be a Cow trait, but there is a limit. Recent remarks suggest Wong is in no mood for his chart's advice to be patient. It also warns of possible setbacks and counsels against speculation! Oh, dear. If only we could change channels. What the Queen of England most enjoys about her corgis, it's said, is they think she's just Betty Windsor. Poman Lo, the poodle-pampering Princess of Hong Kong's Regal Hotels group, knows the feeling. 'I can be myself in front of them,' she says of her pooches. 'Totally nude and naked.' Maybe a dog's life isn't so ruff. Not if you're one of the Poman pack (we've counted up to eight), who typically go wherever she does, with a team of maids and guards in tow. Don't be misled by the poochie-cuteness, relentless charity-eventing and social-other-whirliness. This Monkey's no chump. She studied psychology at Duke - starting young, if we recall (an underage thinker rather than drinker). When the Asian Crisis hit the family firm, she impressed her father with her handling of a tough but crucial project and is now seen as heir, ahead of her older brother, who is also with the firm. Still, Lo may want plenty of pooch time this year, given the challenging outlook. But what are we thinking? She clearly loves it when the going gets ruff. This girl is the goods.
*Unlike the zodiac sign of the year you were born, your day master (the heavenly stem of your bazi chart's day pillar) is said to represent your true nature. *Unlike the zodiac sign of the year you were born, your day master (the heavenly stem of your bazi chart's day pillar) is said to represent your true nature.
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Rosemary Vandenbroucke
Model, singer & actress
Born: 12 September 1982
Sign: Water Dog
Day Master*: Yang Earth (Weak)
That she's "hot" is a truth most red-blooded chaps would hold to be self-evident, and no doubt wish they could hold more. Yet a close perusal of her fortune chart, rather than, say, the 2007 Asian FHM spread that brought her prominents to prominence, suggests Rosemary Vandenbroucke has long been desperately in need of Fire. No surprise, then, to read of her big blowout at the Burning Man counterculture festival in Nevada a couple of years ago. If anything, we'd have expected a flare-up sooner. And with no harm done (the ding in the base of the landmark Reno arch is barely noticeable), we see it marking the start of a more balanced, happier stage. After all, she has been modelling since the age of 14, and looked to be at a bit of a loss after slipping free of her mother's management. What's ahead? Should be a good year, particularly in terms of wealth and relationships. And there'll also be plenty of support on hand, if she needs it - sometimes from unexpected quarters. There's even some sign (not that one back in Reno) of a mid-year career booster.
*Unlike the zodiac sign of the year you were born, your day master (the heavenly stem of your bazi chart's day pillar) is said to represent your true nature.
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David Webb
Shareholder activist
Born: 29 August 1965
Sign: Wood Snake

Never mind the polluted air, Webb does an excellent job of making breathing difficult for those who try to put one over their HK shareholders. Does a nice line in sleepless nights too. We were tempted to slip him an even brighter outlook . . . but we really like our sleep.
Liu Yang
First female taikonaut
Born: 06 October 1978
Sign: Earth Horse

We predicted Liu's historic spaceflight last year (well, her gender) and what a delight to see such a steady, balanced chart - with a few intriguing pointers to the heavens. Simply being an Earth Horse ("heaven's blossom") is a great combination. Welcome back.
Lang Lang
Piano and erhu virtuoso
Born: 14 June 1982
Sign: Water Dog

Our call strikes a bit of a sour note. After all, the Lang Lang phenomenon has really only just begun. Luckily, the discord we sense is likely to come from outside and can be contained. Still, no encore! Lang's charts are intriguing: Highly strung, yet beautifully balanced.
Robin Li Yang-hong
Co-founder Baidu
Born: 17 November 1968
Sign: Earth Monkey

Not the most stellar outlook. But with signs this may be a significant year for Li, the Snake may turn out to be very rewarding. One bright spot is the chance to expand or move into new areas. Still, the hallmark of the year looks to be hard work and then some.
Tony Chan Chun-chuen
Fudge-away master
Born: 23 December 1959
Sign: Earth Dog

Fascinating chart for this fellow who seems to have bet on the old adage: 'Where there's no will, there's feng shui.' Despite intriguing 'stumbling blocks', the outlook is pretty spanking - and who's to say that may not mean a nice long holiday away from everything?
Parliamentary republic
Born: 09 August 1965
Sign: Wood Snake

Whether or not you'd want to live there (views tend to be polar), today's Singapore is an Asian marvel - a testament to vision, self-belief, confidence, cunning, pragmatism, hard work and never-say-die. Odd that next year's big challenge may be widespread ennui.
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