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Time for zodiac-yak: Check the Horse's coil for your sign
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Executive summary: Sworda good enough
Ride month: JAN
Slide month: SEP
Horse-spicious dates: MAY 12 ~ JUN 05 ~ NOV 08 & 20
Unsaddled dates:
JUN 10 & 22 ~ JUL 04 ~ SEP 14
Horse folk of note:
Shinzo Abe, Jackie Chan Kong-sang, Angela Merkel, Mike Tyson

'Damocles' is the word, Dobbinses - as in 'sword of'; as in 'hanging by a dread above your bonce'. Cheap cheer in its being your year if Miss Fortune is hellbent on having her play with you. Stall and all, as Nietzsche sworda said in his more stable days, proving your mettle improves your fettle.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Nagging discomfort? Only to be expected this year. Put yourself in the hands of an hoss-teopath and, after a good shake, things should saddle down. The mind is an amazing thing. Ours tends to wander a bit though. Sorry?
Bit of a Boy Scout of a year: Be prepped and you'll dyb dyb do your best. [No better no-sweat way to swot up than CLSA's trove of research of course.] Extra care advised in March and June. Try to rein in your foot-in-mouth issue.
Who can't wait to get in harness? Singles may well find themselves one of a bridle party ere the year be done. A quick halter at the altar to get hitched, then saddle down to repent at leisure while you wait for the seven-year itch.
You're a Nag, not a scapegoat. One can become the other in the maniacal blink of the boss's eye. Why add to your whoa? Best keep your head down, chin up, nose clean, trap shut and all those 'great ideas' to yourself.
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Executive summary: Bleatin' ewe-tiful
Ride month: OCT
Slide month: AUG
Horse-spicious dates: SEP 08 & 20 ~ OCT 02 & 26
Unsaddled dates:
MAR 19 ~ JUL 17 & 29 ~ NOV 14
Sheep folk of note:
Chow Yun-fat, Amy Lee, Li Keqiang, Zhang Ziyi

'Crease' is the word, Sheepeeps - as in 'ink crease'; as in 'with luck like this, your bill fold could inkcrease untold-fold'. You ewes are wool overdue a slamb-dunk of a year, so it's abaaht time your sheep came in and fengs swung your shui. 'Cause you can be shor'next year will be sheared.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Make like a lamb in springtime? Letting your inner kid out to play not only can do you a power of good, with any luck you'll tucker out the little tacker so combleatly you won't hear Bo Peep from the woolly jumper till it's schnitzel.
Make like a lamb in springtime? Again? We don't mean letting your inner kid out to gambol or play the market so much as to jump for joie de vivre because, if all goes to plan, Ewes should be coining it like Croesus this year.
Looks like you'll be making like you're making lambs for springtime all year long - and mutton wrong there. But not all sums are equal. If one be forlorn but two they be tender, be three one too many? Or does it depend, eh?
Make like a lamb in springtime? Even at work? Ewe shor'now? So what if they think you're baa-rmy? Wooldn't be too wrong! Anyway, telling the old sheep of fools to go crewe itself might bring on a wool-comb change. Bale aweigh!
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Executive summary: Roll out a barrelful
Ride month: FEB
Slide month: AUG
Horse-spicious dates: MAR 11 ~ APR 04 ~ SEP 19 ~ OCT 01
Unsaddled dates:
APR 01 ~ AUG 11 & 23 ~ SEP 04
Monkey folk of note:
Julius Caesar, Lucy Liu, Kylie Minogue, Yao Ming

'Trees' is the word, Banana Smoothies - as in 'what good things and wise Monks come in'; as in, too, 'T'reasons to be Qi-full, Part Tree' - an Ode to Joy that wouldn't be out of place in itself. Not that you Barrel-fillers ought to be caught short of cause for applause this year. Swing that thing!
Twelve months in four easy pieces
It's all vine, as Tarzan said in the patent application for his treetop elevator. It's the other folk what worry us. Take extra care if you cross a road. (They may look all smooth on the surface, but they can be very rough if crossed.)
Periodic squalls of windfalls, you prime-rate Primates! On top of a good steady earn. Outgoings are what need watching. Deceptions are the danger: well-dressed con artists with winning smiles; and vanity-related uber-expenditure.
We can't help but feel, O'tangs, that your rep as the swingers of the zodiac pack lies more in the telling than any tail. There'd be more swing in a tight chip shot than in your stars for this year, Monks (and you may as well be).
They say it doesn't matter if the decision is right or wrong; the key is to make it and stick to it. We've decided "they" appear to have an elbow-ass differentiation dilemma. Where were we? Ah, Monkeys . . . career looks vine.
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Executive summary: Clucky ducks
Ride month: JUL
Slide month: SEP
Horse-spicious dates: FEB 14 & 26 ~ JUL 08 ~ AUG 13
Unsaddled dates:
AUG 12 & 24 ~ SEP 17 ~ OCT 11
Rooster folk of note:
Fan Bingbing, Elton John, Groucho Marx, Mencius

As Family Guy's Peter Griffin would put it (ad nauseam): 'B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word . . . ' You Roosters surely must be getting sick of this chicken run of spanking good luck you've been having? Wouldn't like to toss a few crumbs our way? Oh well, never mind. Now, what is it they make feather-dusters from . . .
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Meditation is not a competitive sport, Worm-cadgers. Can you think of anything dharma than a race to be karma? Just hensane! Can't focus on being present? At least try for pleasant. Health risks? Flu and fear between.
Here's a new year's resolution: No more crowing until crows do their fair share of roostering? Oh, crow if you must. Your luck looks strong for both windfalls and steady income, especially in Spring. No loans to relatives!
Searching for a succinct word or two to cover your outlook, we kept coming back to 'colourful'. An odd way to put it, but then it's an unusual pattern coming together. Could be splendid; or could be . . . yes, colourful works.
Some good developments on the work front, Eggheads, and potentially quite rewarding. A few hurdles, but don't let them get you down. Think outside the boks and you may soon have the makings of a nice nest egg.
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Executive summary: Pawsome!
Ride month: JUN
Slide month: NOV
Horse-spicious dates: JUN 13 & 25 ~ JUL 07, 19 & 31
Unsaddled dates:
JUN 02 ~ OCT 12 & 24 ~ NOV 05
Dog folk of note:
Confucius, Marcel Proust, Janet Yellen, Zhou Enlai

'Fleas' is the word, Wow-wows - as in 'none on you' (ditto flies, flos and flums); as in '¡fleas-idades, amigos!' Howl lucky does it get? If this is the dog's life idiom-mutterers bemoan, put us down for a litter or two. Hounds are in pounds, eh? Grr! How many barks a pup? OK, nine. Woof!
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Bark! Hou po, to be precise - aka magnolia bark. Jolly good stuff (apart from the heave-ho taste) for those who've been helping themselves lots. Much as we can't get enough of you, Pups, there is enough of you already.
You've got a cold, wet nose for scratch and instink is definitely the way to play it this year. Plus signs are strong that you'll meet someone in 2H who may be very helpful in terms of giving your investment strategy some bite.
It's a dog-eat-dog world, they say, which some might take - in a tongue-in-cheek way - to mean it ain't cheatin' at the end of the day, and so let slip the dogs of phwoar to stray and play hooray. Oh, you ditty, flitty dawgs!
Sometimes less is more, for sure - one of life's great lessens, more or less - but never on payday. In that spirit, we once offered to do a lot less for much more, but it turned out that apparently neither was possible. The thanks you get.
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Executive summary: Ain't life grunt?
Ride month: AUG
Slide month: OCT
Horse-spicious dates: JUN 12 & 24 ~ DEC 21 ~ JAN 02
Unsaddled dates:
MAR 11 ~ NOV 6, 18 & 30
Pig folk of note:
Chiang Kai-shek, Alfred Hitchcock, Lao She, Lee Kuan Yew

'Grease' is the word, mighty Fliers - as in 'degrees of ease with shades of grey; as in 'max banco for your baksheesh'. All sly-winking folk agrees there was s'nout much piggy-wriggle room under the Snake, sow you'd nod be out of order going fullboar at the trough for a bit. Cease the decrease!
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Some say pignorants is bliss, but not if they go on and on about it - then it's just squeally annoying. With the usual exortations and caveats, you Porkers are looking good, despite a tendency to put yourselves midships of mishaps.
Well, well, well . . . add a 'very' in front of each and that's a fair summation of your porkspects, Piggybanks. Two warning shots: Watch your outgoings, given the omens of loss; and make a pink p-oink of socialising your gains.
Slim piggins? Hardly. You Pigs are likely to be busier than a bee with hives this year. Speaking of which, it has oft been observed that the brasher the action, the rasher the reaction. Pig in a poke is no joke. Caveat emphwoar.
Work can be a boar, for sure, but don't let the turkeys sty-fle your creativity and grunt plans. From the looks, there may be some hamazing opportunities just arind the corner for those with clear ideas. Pig and choose - woohoo!
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Executive summary: Stiff cheddar
Ride month: NOV
Slide month: MAY
Horse-spicious dates: NOV 26 ~ JAN 10 & 21
Unsaddled dates:
SEP 20 ~ DEC 01 & 25 ~ JAN 30
Rat folk of note:
Jimmy Lai Chee-Ying, Katy Perry, Yip Wing-sie, Zinedine Zidane

'Cheese' is the word, Meeserables - as in 'how much can a camembert?'; as in 'moved bleu-ved - stiff cheddar'. How s'queakly and compl- eek-ly it can change, eh? Vicissitudes, dudes - mousen't take it poisonally. The reassuring reality is that the cosmos doesn't give a rat's stars. Better now?
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Few words can induce panic as surely as 'Remain calm', so we'll simply suggest being defensive (but not offensively): exercise; a babyfood-bland diet; and deep Freudian sleep. Coddle yourself like the rare treasure you are.
It may not be the Midas Touch, but the Mouse's Scratch ain't no slouch. The nose knows what grows, so give it its head. More than ever, this is a year to be open to innovation. Don't get trapped in the interest-rate race.
Money can't buy you love, but some of the fakes nowadays are so close it doesn't matter. Stars hint strongly at a new sense of adventure (or was it nuisance of gender?), which we hope doesn't put you in an awkward position.
Someone once predicted for us an erratic career (bit of a blow to realise they hadn't said "erotic"). But they all are in many ways; only hindsight infuses direction. So never mind the bumps - likely to look clever in the rearview.
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Executive summary: Cud be better
Ride month: JAN
Slide month: MAY
Horse-spicious dates: FEB 05 & 26 ~ APR 11 ~ OCT 20
Unsaddled dates:
JUN 29 ~ JAN 07, 19 & 31
Cow folk of note:
George Clooney, Barack Obama, Rio de Janeiro, Cristiano Ronaldo

'Mies' is the word, Moo-meisters - as in 'van der Rohe'; as in 'less is more'. Cud be, but unlikely to cut it at the cash register, eh? Why then hoof we pasture this well-worn aphorism of Divan Man? We only heifer meant to gently steer your rheumy nature to the view that the grass is calf fuel.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
How 'ow', down Cows? They're the two to watch for this year: dull aches and an even duller mooodimess. Yet both are easily KO-ed, Kows. Give 'em the old 1, 2, 3: top chews; long snooze; and a run around the paddock.
Moola looks more hard scrabble than rich harvest - a moo-sance, but hornestly the smartest way to the greens may be through defence . . . or the gate. Don't count on windfalls, though they are on the cuds. Calf your luck!
Love herds - and yet it lifts us up. It's a dilemma on whose horns so many of us are periodically impaled. If quantity rather than quality is your thing, you may well be in for an empurpled patch. Not really 'love', is it?
Open heart is the way to go - not the surgery (although not to be ruled out); the magnanimity. Your outlook here is clear, but pygmies abound. Peers them off with politeness; crush 'em with kindness; they will kowtow yet!
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Executive summary: Stripe for the plucking
Ride month: JAN
Slide month: DEC
Horse-spicious dates: APR 25 ~ JUN 12 & 24 ~ JAN 02
Unsaddled dates:
FEB 06 & 18 ~ MAR 02 ~ APR 19
Tiger folk of note:
Richard Branson, Karl Marx, Marco Polo, Zhang Yimou

'Bees' is the word, Trope Cats - as in 'bee's knees, ant's pants and cat's pyjamas'; as in 'you lucky beasts'. From here, your year looks to be within a wet whisker of paws-itively purrfect, Pussies. Enjoie de vivre till you heave. After all, a little stress is all it takes to turn mmmeow into meowww!
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Tiger, Tiger, burning bright - but not the candle and definitely not both ends. Most cats are masters of chill; some are timebombs atic with tension. You? Sort it soonest. Money in the bank if you do; there's no chapter 11 for health.
'Leaps and bounds' pretty much covers it - heading north. Still, here are thoughts for paws: All manner of charlatan seems to have hitched a ride on the Horse. And there's much to be said for fundamentals in any weather.
If you're on the prowl for 'the One', June looks your best bet, though we wouldn't put much on it. Never quite 'got' the singlesminded blind pursuit. After all, go gently or rage, you leave in the same company as you came.
You're on such a roll and are so purrsuasive anyway, you could probably turn up to work every day cata-vodka-and-tonic and still take home the lion's share of the toss-us-a-bonus pool. Far better to earn your stripes, eh?
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The Rabbit S'NORT SO HOT
Executive summary: Bounder get better
Ride month: MAY
Slide month: JUL
Horse-spicious dates: FEB 20 ~ AUG 07 & 31 ~ FEB 03
Unsaddled dates:
FEB 19 ~ MAR 15 & 27 ~ AUG 06
Rabbit folk of note:
David Beckham, Albert Einstein, Jet Li, Orson Welles

'Caprice' is the word, Not-so-hot Cross Bunnies - as in 'Capri's nice, but Nice is no Capri'; as in 'the cat burglar was sent to ca'prison for the purr of her unnatural nine lives'. Caprice lies at the cold black heart of any fortune forecasting. Which may explain why they're always so vagary.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
Up for rabbit of a challenge? Hop so because the supply is on the high side. You're looking good still, Buns, inside and out. Only two areas that may be in doubt: get a reading on your bleeding; and avoid any hoperations.
Buck or doe, you'd warrent Rabs as certs for coining it. And you have the ol' bounce-back knack. It's the outgoings that may catch you out. Waste not on whatnots. Bounce of prevention is worth a pound or more. Or so we hare.
Three can be a crowd and some folk certainly should never be obscene in a throng, but three's not be sneezed at. However, we are required to officially advise that ambles in the brambles along those lines are out of bounders.
Don't laugh, but have you ever thought of giving 'humble' a go? Didn't think so. We mention it only because it's quite likely your unwarranted arrogance will undo all your hard work. So, major stumble or small slice of humble?
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Executive summary: It's soar right
Ride month: MAR
Slide month: FEB
Horse-spicious dates: DEC 16 & 28 ~ JAN 21 ~ FEB 02
Unsaddled dates:
APR 09 ~ MAY 03 ~ OCT 18
Dragon folk of note:
Deng Xiaoping, Sigmund Freud, Bruce Lee, Jack Ma Yun

'Wheeze' is the word, Smoke Folk - as in 'dumb of the crowd'; as in 'dharma of Guatama'. It can naught be bought, but perhaps can be taught; supply seems ever short, yet is it really so keenly sought? We have our dorrrts. Wisdom, eh? Seems it isn't a bad year for Dragons to bag a bit of it.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
You know how little kids can be sometimes? Whiny, annoying . . . that's how your health looks for this year. Which really is no big drama. Just treat it the same way you would . . . er, no, that would require ambulance and police.
We're not saying it will be good; but we're certainly not saying the opposite. Indeed, in the unlikely event that we're saying anything it's probably just that your wealth looks uneven. We'd tell you how to fix it, but we've run out of . . .
The moon in June is your wingman, Single Scale-trailers. So salt away as many Zzz as you can in May, eh? No matter what your current status, your happiness is in your hands. Serves you right if you 'forgot' to wash them.
If it's scaleable, it's saleable. Not sure if that helps at all. If your job involves travel or trade, well half your luck. Personally, we're all ears for anything that entails navel and paid - as in being the latter lots for gazing at our former.
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Executive summary: How d'ya like them apples?
Ride month: AUG
Slide month: MAY
Horse-spicious dates: JUN 06, 18 & 30 ~ DEC 15 & 27
Unsaddled dates:
MAY 04 & 16 ~ JUN 21 ~ JAN 11
Snake folk of note:
Charles Darwin, Gong Li, Mao Zedong, Pablo Picasso, Qu Yuan

'Knees' is the word, Charm Chums - as in 'what sssay we ssslip out for a knees-up'; as in 'ahh . . . well, let'sss jussst sssync sssome hisss and get leglesss'. Breath easy, Sibilants, there's lots to cheer this year. After all, you've not only got rid of His Vexcellency, you're actually due a decent trot.
Twelve months in four easy pieces
At times, we swear, you're likely to be in such rude good health it verges on insulting. You're also susceptible to slipping into selfpitying periods replete with risible aches and pains. Luckily, laughter really is the best medicine.
Your money sphere looks rather smashing, Sliders - even more so in terms of return on your outlay. Earnings look steady; windfalls are plenty. Two-pronged strategy will uncover caches of cliches: low-hanging fruit's no less juicy.
A little less 'eff it' and a little more effort can make all the difference. Which is to say little more than what must matter most is mind. Or as Bill the buddhist bard put it: 'There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.'
Getting their just desserts leaves many feeling they've been given short shrift. Luckily, life isn't fair, so such even-handedness is rare. No need to excel to do well this year - simply make no mistakes, Snakes, and up the adder you go.
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