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"Here's lookin' at you, kids . . . in a Casablanca sorta way"
It's a rather buoyant chart, although not the best balanced and - quelle oversight! - not a peck of Fire, which is its 'wealth' element . . . . . . whereas Mr Ma has bon Fire, although he's short of Metal, which is his 'wealth'. This could be the start of some serious Phasebook 'friending'.
Nothing so presumptuous as Stanley bumping into Livingstone; nowhere near as bizarre as Elvis camping with Tricky Dicky . . . and yet the meeting of the Hang Seng Index (Earth Rooster) and the Wood Horse is not without interest.

Ordinarily, Pecker and Pony aren't the most promising pair. No bones to pick, but not much in common either. So our expectations weren't high.
But like the fairground Horse, we've come round.

A series of coincidences, connections and oddities linking this moderately odd couple have convinced us that we're looking at a "Casablanca closer" - the beginning of a beautiful friendship. If so, it promises to be very rewarding. So charge those glasses half full and here's looking at you, kids!
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