Cartoon confusion: Is it a sheep, a goat or a dog?
The Goat nearly missed out on being one of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals - his place originally belonged to another. But is the zodiac sign a sheep or a goat? According to the earliest table of animals, found on excavated Qin dynasty bamboo strips, the correct answer is . . . drum roll . . . whip . . . growl . . . a dog! We kid you not. That version had neither sheep nor goat and, while this is still in dispute, most Chinese scholars agree this zodiac sign was actually a dog. Where the more...
goat 羊 year is now, was once the horse, and where the horse is was a deer . . . and so on. Our favourite change is still the snake, which in the earliest list of 12 was an insect - we certainly don’t mourn the passing of the yang insect. Confused? Consider this an important disclaimer. There is no right or wrong in Feng Shui, little consensus and myriad ways of "divining fortunes". Our forecasts for the Hang Seng are based on the interplay of the destiny chart, or Bazi for the year, and the birth date of the Hang Seng Index (24 November, 1969). Bazi is a life-fortune forecasting chart called the Four Pillars of Destiny (one based on each of the year, month, day and hour of birth) or Eight Characters (each pillar comprises a heavenly stem and an earthly branch). Our longstanding health warning remains: don’t be a giddy goat and take it too seriously.. less...