Special Report

China – China ESG

by Seungjoo Ro / Mar 7, 2022


Virtuous action
Survey shows rising interest in sustainability, governance in China.

Our second annual CRR ESG survey reveals greater alignment with sustainability, underpinned by a significant rise in corporate governance awareness. Climate change concerns have further strengthened, with a greater desire to take action – although demand for economic growth is also rising. This is evident in views on “common prosperity”, as respondents prefer to focus on accumulating wealth. Nevertheless, our survey finds that investors have grown more ESG-savvy and are willing to sacrifice returns if they can find proper ESG investment vehicles.

Investment: Demand for products and better ESG
Attitudes towards ESG investment have also evolved. More investors now prefer ESG practices over financial outlook and our panel is largely in favour of divesting away from fossil fuels. Broadly, we see the opportunity for more ESG products given our panel is willing to sacrifice more stock returns for investing in companies with good ESG.